101 Dalmatians (2025)-First Trailer | Emma Stone
101 Dalmatians, released in 1996, is a charming live-action adaptation of Disney’s beloved animated classic. Directed by Stephen Herek, the film reimagines the timeless story of a family of Dalmatians who outwit one of Disney’s most iconic villains, Cruella de Vil. With a mix of humor, heart, and adventure, this adaptation brings the magic of the original to life while introducing a new generation to the classic tale.
Plot Summary
The story follows Pongo and Perdita, two Dalmatians whose owners, Roger (Jeff Daniels) and Anita (Joely Richardson), fall in love after a chance encounter orchestrated by their dogs. Shortly after their marriage, Pongo and Perdita welcome a litter of 15 adorable puppies.
Their joy is short-lived when Cruella de Vil (Glenn Close), Anita’s eccentric and fashion-obsessed boss, schemes to kidnap the puppies to create a fur coat. When her bumbling henchmen, Jasper (Hugh Laurie) and Horace (Mark Williams), fail to keep the puppies under control, Cruella’s obsession spirals into a full-blown chase.
With the help of their animal friends and the loyalty of the canine community, Pongo and Perdita embark on a daring mission to rescue their puppies, leading to a thrilling and heartwarming adventure that unites 101 Dalmatians in the fight for freedom.