The Despicable Me franchise returns with its fifth installment, Despicable Me 5 (2025), promising more laughs, heartwarming moments, and, of course, the chaotic antics of the Minions. This new chapter continues to follow the lovable villain-turned-family man, Gru, and his mischievous yellow sidekicks as they embark on another adventure that takes them on a wild and unpredictable journey. Directed by Kyle Balda (who previously directed Minions and Despicable Me 3), Despicable Me 5 builds upon the success of the earlier films while adding new layers of fun, action, and character development.
Plot: In Despicable Me 5, Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) is finally settling into his new life as a doting father to his three adopted daughters, Margo, Edith, and Agnes. After years of stealing the moon and battling villains, Gru has tried to leave his past as a supervillain behind and focus on raising his family with the help of his Minions. However, his peaceful life is about to be turned upside down when a new threat emerges in the form of a mysterious villain known only as The Eraser.
The Eraser (voiced by Chris Hemsworth) is a tech-savvy mastermind with a secret weapon that can erase memoriesโand he’s targeting Gru for a very specific reason. As The Eraserโs plans unfold, Gru is forced to come out of retirement and face his past one more time to protect his family and the world. The Minions, as always, are there to help, though their antics often cause more chaos than they prevent. This time, the Minions have a new ally: Lucy Wilde (voiced by Kristen Wiig), Gruโs wife, who has become an even more skilled agent after her days as a secret agent.
As the stakes rise, Gru must work with his old enemies-turned-allies, including Felonious Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) in a hilarious twistโGru discovers that The Eraser is actually someone from his past who may hold the key to the mysterious disappearance of his long-lost sibling, Dru (voiced by Steve Carell), who has mysteriously reappeared with a new mission of his own. This family reunion of sorts will lead to a chaotic but heartwarming finale where Gru must choose between his past life as a supervillain and his present life as a father.