Wicked: For Good (2025), the highly anticipated sequel to the 2024 film adaptation of the Broadway musical Wicked, is set to release on November 21, 2025. Directed by Jon M. Chu, the film continues the story of Elphaba (Cynthia Erivo) and Glinda (Ariana Grande), exploring the darker and more emotional second act of the musical. With a production budget of $150 million, the film is a major investment by Universal Pictures, reflecting its commitment to delivering a visually stunning and musically rich experience.
The budget was allocated to large-scale practical sets, including a real Yellow Brick Road and nine million tulips planted for the Munchkinland scenes, as well as cutting-edge visual effects by Industrial Light & Magic and Framestore. The film also features an expanded orchestra of 125 musicians and two new songs by Stephen Schwartz, ensuring a grand cinematic experience.