Raya 2 – The Last Dragon War is the highly anticipated sequel to Disney’s 2021 animated hit Raya and the Last Dragon, directed by Carlos López Estrada and Don Hall. The film continues the epic story of Raya (voiced by Kelly Marie Tran), the fearless warrior princess of the kingdom of Heart, who previously saved her land from the ancient evil forces known as the Druun. But the peace and unity she fought for are once again threatened, as a new and greater danger looms over the world.
Set several years after the events of the first film, Raya 2 opens with the discovery of a long-lost kingdom that holds the secret to an ancient and powerful force—the Last Dragon’s Heartstone. This heartstone, said to be capable of controlling both life and death, could either be the key to eternal peace or the ultimate weapon for destruction. When a mysterious warlord named Karnak (voiced by Oscar Isaac) and his army of dark forces set their sights on the heartstone, the fragile alliance between the kingdoms of Heart, Fang, Tail, and Spine begins to unravel.
Raya, now a seasoned warrior, embarks on a dangerous mission to stop Karnak and prevent the Last Dragon Heartstone from falling into the wrong hands. She is joined by her loyal companions—Sisu (voiced by Awkwafina), the last surviving dragon, and Boun (voiced by Izaac Wang), the resourceful boatman—and new allies who have their own reasons for fighting. Along the way, Raya must confront her deepest fears and doubts, especially regarding trust and unity, as she learns that true power lies not in ancient magic, but in the bonds she shares with others.
As the stakes grow higher and the battles become more intense, Raya 2 explores themes of leadership, sacrifice, and the complexities of rebuilding a fractured world. With stunning animation, breathtaking action sequences, and deep emotional storytelling, the film promises to deliver a powerful continuation of Raya’s journey, as she faces the ultimate challenge: to unite the world against an enemy that threatens to destroy everything she has worked for.
The film also delves into the rich lore of the world of Kumandra, offering new characters, mystical creatures, and exciting realms to explore. Karnak is a formidable villain, whose own tragic backstory and lust for power add layers to the conflict, raising the stakes for both Raya and the audience. Raya 2 – The Last Dragon War is poised to be an epic adventure that will captivate fans of the first film while offering an even more thrilling and emotional experience.