In Moana 3, the story takes an exciting turn as Moana embarks on a journey beyond the known oceans to uncover the secrets of her ancestors and the origins of Te Fiti’s heart. Set against a backdrop of stunning underwater kingdoms and mysterious islands, Moana teams up with her trusted friend Maui and a new ally, a shape-shifting guardian named Kaiku, to confront a looming threat—the resurgence of an ancient sea spirit named Ruarangi. This formidable force seeks to claim control over the oceans, pushing Moana to make difficult choices about leadership and self-discovery.
The film’s production budget is estimated at $250 million, one of Disney’s highest investments for an animated film. This significant budget has been allocated to develop cutting-edge animation techniques, enhance the vibrant settings, and secure an incredible voice cast and musical score.
As for financial expectations, Moana 3 is projected to be another massive success for Disney, with industry predictions placing its global box office earnings well beyond $1.3 billion, potentially outpacing its predecessor. Combined with merchandise, streaming, and other revenue streams, the net worth of the franchise is set to reach $5 billion, further solidifying Moana’s legacy as one of Disney’s most lucrative properties.