Shadow and Bone (2021) is a fantasy series based on Leigh Bardugo’s Grishaverse novels. Set in a war-torn world inspired by Tsarist Russia, the story follows Alina Starkov (Jessie Mei Li), a young orphan and mapmaker who discovers she has extraordinary powers as a Sun Summoner — the ability to control light. This rare and powerful gift makes her the key to potentially destroying the Shadow Fold, a dark, monster-filled barrier that divides her country.
Alina is brought to train with the Grisha, an elite army of magical soldiers led by General Kirigan (Ben Barnes), also known as the Darkling, who wields the power of shadow. As Alina hones her powers, she discovers hidden dangers and political schemes that threaten both her life and her homeland. Torn between her old friends, her growing powers, and her complicated relationship with Kirigan, Alina must navigate a world filled with intrigue, betrayal, and battles.
With rich world-building, compelling characters, and themes of power and destiny, Shadow and Bone weaves together epic fantasy and political drama, appealing to fans of both adventure and intrigue.